stb serve#

Serve the provided documentation path, with livereload on changes.


This start a long-running server with live-reload that watches for changes in the theme or documentation sources (using sphinx-autobuild).

When a change is made, it will rebuild the assets of the theme, rebuild the documentation using Sphinx and reload any open browser tabs that are viewing an HTML page served by the server.



The Sphinx builder to build the documentation with.

Allowed values: html (default), dirhtml


hostname to serve documentation on (default:


The port to start the server on. Uses a random free port by default.

Allowed values: INTEGER


Run pdb if the Sphinx build fails with an exception.

--open-browser / --no-open-browser#

Open the browser after starting live-reload server. This is done by default.

--override-theme / --no-override-theme#

Override the html_theme value set in This is not done by default.